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El Dr. Joan Meléndez Rusiñol es va llicenciar en medicina i cirurgia l`any 1980 a la Facultat de Medicina UA de Barcelona, Unitat docent Vall d’Hebron. Allí mateix va fer l’especialitat de Ginecologia i Obstetrícia via MIR, del 1981 al 1984.

Poc després de finalitzar la seva formació va tornar a Girona on va entrar com a adjunt a l’hospital de Santa Caterina. 

Entre els anys 1989 i 1992 va exercir de Director mèdic de l’Hospital, feina que va compaginar amb el càrrec de cap de Servei de Ginecologia i Obstetricia, posició que ha ocupat fins al dia d’avui. 

Sempre buscant estar actualitzat, el Dr. Meléndez ha fet vàries estades i cursos tan nacionals com a l’estranger (França, Itàlia...), buscant aprendre les millors i més avançades tècniques diagnòstiques i quirúrgiques per poder oferir un servei de primer nivell a les seves pacients. 

El Dr. Meléndez ha dedicat gran part de la seva carrera profesional al servei de Ginecologia i Obstetrícia on una atenció a l’embaràs i el part respectuosa amb els desitjos de la pacient han estat sempre la prioritat. 

Aquesta mentalitat l’ha transmès sempre també a la seva pràctica privada, on les pacients embarassades han sentit respectades les seves preferencia i han pogut optar pel tipus de part que han volgut, sempre que les condicions mèdiques ho hagin permès.

Dr. Joan Meléndez Muñoz graduated in medicine in 2004 from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

He is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in the UK, of which he has been a member since 2013.

In 2015, he completed a 2 year Fellowship at the Monash Health Pelvic Unit, in Melbourne (Australia), where he gained the sub-specialization in urogynecology. There he worked almost exclusively treating patients with problems related to pelvic floor dysfunction, especially urinary incontinence, prolapse and obstetric related injuries.

In 2017, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) elevated Dr. Melendez Munoz to the category of Fellow for his extensive experience and contribution to the specialty during his time in Australia.

Dr. Meléndez Muñoz currently leads the Pelvic Floor Unit at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the Hospital Universitari Josep Trueta de Girona. His role involves clinical work as well as training and development of research projects.

He is a member of the Terminology and Standards Committee of the International UroGynecology Association (IUGA) and the Terminology Committee of the International Continence Society (ICS).

He has presented research papers at various international congresses, he has been invited as a tutor and moderator to courses on pelvic surgery and has been widely published in the field of gynecology and obstetrics.

Dr. Meléndez Muñoz offered private care to the Center Avançat pel Tractament del Sòl Pelvià (CATSP), at Causse Clinic Girona (former Onyar Clinic) and at Meléndez Ginecologia, also in Girona.

Llicenciada en Medicina per la “Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona”. Unitat Docent Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Juny 1996-Juny 2002)
Especialitat en Obstetrícia i Ginecologia. Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa (Maig 2004-maig 2008)
Postgrau en Health Coaching, UOC, 2016-2017.
Expert en Diagnòstic Diferencial dels Tumors d´Ovari mitjançant utrasons. Octubre 2017-Febrer 2018. Universidad de Navarra-Editorial Panamericana.
Actualment metgessa adjunta del Servei de Ginecologia i Obstetrícia de l´Hospital Santa Caterina de Salt (Juny 2008 fins al moment actual), formant part principalment de l´equip de Patologia Cervical i de Diagnòstic prenatal.

Rotatori estranger (Programa Erasmus) Hospedale di Careggi. Firenze. Servei de Cirurgia General. Abril – Juny 2002
Nivell 3 de ecografías de la SESEGO. Hospital Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona, Juliol 2009. 180 horas.
Rotació en Ecografia Ginecològica. Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Setembre 2017
Rotació en ecocardiografia i neurosonografia fetals, H. Clínic de Barcelona i H. Sant Joan de Déu 01-31 març 2018

A part de la meva professió i de la meva família, el temps lliure que tinc el dedico a les meves principals aficions que són l´esport, la pintura, la fotografia, la música i els viatges...entre d´altres!

- Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Hospital del Mar Teaching Unit (2010-2016)

- Hospital internships abroad: Mexico (Ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán). O’Ohran Hospital and Maternal and Child Hospital. Gynecology and Obstetrics and Neonatology Service (July 2014)

- Specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Arnau Hospital in Vilanova de Lleida (May 2017- May 2021)

- Obstetric-gynecological ultrasound course. Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (January 2018)

- Course of placental insufficiency and preterm birth. Vall d’Hebron University Hospital. (May 2018)

- Course in fetal monitoring based on pathophysiology. I care CTG masterclass (June 2019)

- Course in Preeclampsia screening and The 11-13 weeks scan. The Fetal Medicine Foundation (March-April 2019. Updated in 2022)

- Course in morphological ultrasound, maternal-fetal medicine infections and basic echocardiography. Barcelona Fetal Medicine Foundation of the Hospital Clínic. (April and May 2020)

- Training stay at Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona in 3rd level obstetric ultrasound (January 2021)

- Master's degree in the Official Professional Update Program for Gynecologists and Obstetricians (PROAGO). Editorial Medica Panamericana (4 years)

- Currently an assistant doctor in the Obstetrics and Gynecology service at the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona (June 2021 to the present) as part of the obstetrics team.

Registered Nurse since 2008, she has 11 years of work experience in the surgical and gynecological operating theatre. She works regularly in different centers like Santa Caterina hospital, Clínica Girona and Clínica Causse (Onyar).
She completed a postgraduate master in operating theatre management, anesthetics and resuscitation.
Núria maintains her skills and continues to develop her education through refresher courses.